Wandering trail in a deep forest

I’ve been preparing all week to share something on Sunday. Of course, I’m talking about my Sunday Message, but in the space of a Thanksgiving week, I’ve put some deep pots of thought on the back burner while pulling fresh thoughts to the front.

Regardless, everything has pointed me to this morning of thinking. Introspectively.

As I age, my thinking gets “deep and wide,” and my ability to share has struggled with relevancy. What I read, think about, study through, and finally present do not always reflect what I genuinely feel to others.

There is still a part of me I cannot reveal.

Some will guess what this is, and they may be right, but I still cannot respond even to a correct guess.

Part of this revolves around my Godly communication between Him and Me. The other part will be the loss of control I feel when this profound moment arrives.

There’s nothing bad with this introspection, but it’s personal. I have no one to talk it out with whom I would wish a loaded thought to be lifted or a weight to transfer to another. Rather, there are some truly introspective actions I take that are just me and who I am.

I stand at my desk and reread what I’ve written. I’ve said too much and gone too far. Very few will read this but if it lasts the ages, then maybe someone somewhere will understand.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!