BLurred lights on a dark night
Find My Pace

There are speeds we keep that we cannot keep up.
Too much at any speed wrecks out the pace of life.
What we learn, like the tide that rolls in,
There are times when it needs to roll out.

Our earth rotates, and that produces life.
The moon is stagnantly facing one direction,
And that limits its possibility.
To go around, we must turn around.

Day Four of vacation has proven so
We need downtime to recover our speeding time.
Even vacation cannot be forced movement.
It must find its own space to pace for life.

Life moves swiftly, a hurried stream,
Chasing moments, chasing dreams.
Days blur by in fleeting flight,
As hours slip into the night.

But in the rush, pause and see,
There is beauty in simplicity.
For in the quiet, time stands still,
And life is more than just the thrill.

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(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!