What’s behind your fence?
What’s hiding back there?
For some, a backyard is a showplace.
But for so many more? It’s a trash heap.

Okay. Don’t get me wrong.
Mine is nothing to brag about.
The older I get, the harder it is to impress
With an adequately designed space.
It may take weeks to make a dump run.
Or to finish up a fence line.
But that’s not just what I’m talking about.

While on Amtrak from my neck of the woods
To Portland, and then on to PDX,
Sitting in my coach seat, facing backward,
I noticed a lot of backyards full of junk…
Or at least historic relics of a century gone past.

Good fences make for good neighbors.
Or that’s how the saying goes.
But when your fast-moving trains give glimpses,
You realize what might be hiding is most definitely not.

Take it spiritual for a moment.
That which doesn’t face the front of ife
It is often that backward place
We hope most never experience this.
The hidden story…except for that passing train.

When you drive your modern car,
Unless you know what’s happening behind you,
Most of us realize your backlights aren’t on
Unless you brake or use your turn signals.
It’s not safe to let them know
Many deranged people will spew.

This evening, I know we each have a backside we don’t want others to know about. I’ll believe the best of you, but I will never be surprised when the flip side shows your worse side.

Just remember, we all have a flipside. A back side. A backyard.
It t’ain’t always pretty. But I’ll trust you if you’ll allow me to trust you.

I got your back.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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