Computer screen reflecting in a mirror to show itsetf over and over
First and Last

Somewhere between the edges
Lies the majority of all that cannot declare
Whether First or Last, we may not be,
But the “middlers” are what we call. Them.

I’m the First of my siblings,
But it was the last (youngest) who went first.
And I thought this thought,
God help me. Thought shouldn’t be.
Can the First also be the Last?

In our number system,
There is no Last.
From the beginning, there is no end.
Go to the left of zero,
That’s a negative numbering scheme
Again, there’s no ed.
So maybe the thought has nothing to do with birth order.
You pray to last as long as you can.

Jesus said He was the Alpha and Omega
The First and the Last,
And since we know nothing of His beginning,
My trust is that he understands the start and stops.

Since He’s claimed those spots
All of us are.
You, me, them, and those.
We are all in the middle.

I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the Beginning and the End,
the First and the Last.”
(Revelation 22:13 NKJV)

Take it to heart.
In some things, you may be first.
But you’ll probably never be the last.
Live your life fruitfully,
And soon, your harvest will reward you.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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