AI Jack in the Box with other kid toys
No Surprises

Early morning, I got caught in some “reels”
You know, those time wasters that never seem to stop.
I rode with a tractor pushing a giant plane back from the gate,
Watched wildlife wander through a yard,
I saw a toddler arguing with her parents,
And thought to the days of young parenthood – I can relate.
And then? People get the surprise of their lives when a James Brown tune
Was suddenly played with the sound turned loud…

It made me think.
Of all the practical jokes in the world,
Why do those that surprise us out of our comfort zone
Give some of us so much comfort and help us laugh ourselves awake?

I asked AI, ChatGPT, to write me a two-stanza poem about “No Surprises.”

From ChatGPT: Here’s a short two-stanza poem on “no surprises”:

No surprises. The path is clear,
Each step is familiar, year by year.
The quiet hum of steady days,
A calm, unchanging, peaceful gaze.

No sudden turns, no shifting skies,
No hidden truths, no masked goodbyes.
In this stillness, life takes its time,
A steady beat, a quiet rhyme.

As I pause and sip my strong espresso,
From my brewmaster, I adore,
No Surprise. It tastes just as I knew it would.

As I think about my kids,
Tears fill the ducts,
I’m praying for them
Each in my own way of their lives.

I glance toward the bedroom
My bride is still fast asleep.
I fondly consider our 50+ years…
There’s so much ahead yet to do.

I think about friends and family
Scattered hither and yon.
I pray there are no surprises
On any horizon. Lord? Please. No surprises.

Maybe the morning kicker is this.
Surprises come. Hang out for a while.
And then life returns to normal. Perhaps.
It’s almost as if they didn’t give me pause.
What’s the next surprise along my way?

Maybe the key is this: I don’t want any surprises I cannot recover from. So, there!

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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