Today, Saturday, 09/21/24, is the last day of Summer for this year.
It’s staying darker… Longer… And cooling down nicely.
Late summer? We’ve been down to 46 degrees.
Today? It’s only up to 68.

The summer felt long,
And by noon it’s time to quit.
Working Outside is blazing hotly,
But the A/C comforts me greatly.

Summer ends today.
Autumn begins tomorrow morning.
I’m happy to say, at least those in the know prepare us,
Winter is supposed to be cooler. Say, “Hallelujah!”

Autumn saddness means leaves turn, fade, and fall.
Oh, but not my pine, cedars, firs, or other conifers.
My oak will hold as many leaves as possible,
Brown and dead, dropped next Spring as shiny green ones come in.

Autumn, tread quickly, don’t linger.
Winter is my favorite, then you, Spring,
And only if it’s cooler,
Do I enjoy the Summer.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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