German Shepherd Fast Asleep
German Shepherd Fast Asleep

Give me five minutes,
Head on the pillow,
Eyelids grow quickly heavy,
Next moment? Good Morning!

As I struggled to sleep last night, I realized it’s a seldom fought battle. Most nights? Five minutes, or maybe just a few more. Last night I awoke (?) and it was only 20 minutes after I turned out the light. Then an hour, or two, went slowly by.

I nearly gave up on the effort.

Living Room? Couch? Book? I may see you soon.

Finally, the drift caught me and I snoozed. But the night kept me wondering if I were truly asleep or not.

This thought hit me resoundly… When did we ever use the word “fast” with “asleep?”

A little research shows me: The word “fast” comes from the Old German word fest, which means “stuck firmly or strongly”. So, to be “fast asleep” is to be immovable, or permanently sleeping.

Cringe. Permanently sleeping? Not me. I still have 30 years of living ahead of me. No Rip Van Winkle for me!

Sleep. Deep. Fall quickly into slumber. A 10-15 minuite power nap does me wonders, but I do need a solid six hours to feel refreshed the next morning.

God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. Eve was his reward. A helper in his life. His opposite.
God caused a deep sleep to fall on Abram. He learns of the impending slavery in a land he never knows by name.
Jacob went to sleep with his head on a stone. A dream of a ladder. An introduction from God. Jacob builds an altar and names the place Luz. “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it.”
Samson is famous for sleeping, and awakening to fight his enemy. Until that day he couldn’t.
David snuck upon Saul, and took of his supplies while a deep sleep from the Lord was upon the enemy.

I could go on.
Sleep is so important.
Visions. Dreams. Future. Reality.
All find a place in the zone of “Fast Asleep.”

When God is watching over us… Then we can truly go Fast Asleep…

From Gentleman Jim Reeves, a voice throughout my life.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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