Morning Hills with Oak Trees and words denoting Saturday
When Saturday Comes

I try very hard to take Saturday off.
“It don’t always work!”
My Sunday message is well underway for tomorrow,
But I feel the urge to polish it a bit…

We’ve worked hard all week…
Saturday should be my sabbath.
Time off for myself. R&R. Even chores.
Anything but occupying the hours for others.

I’m learning still, but learned a long time back.
Don’t plan Church events on Saturday.
When you are a smaller congregation,
You stretch yourselves too thin.

Back in my IT days…On Call…
Saturday, Weekends, Holidays, Night time duty.
Phone, Beeper, Pager, Internet tether.
Your time wasn’t your own. Unpaid for the most part.

As a kid, Saturday cartoon hour started around 6 a.m.
Just a test screen existed before then.
At 9 a.m., if we had chores, that’s when we hit the ground…
Working until noon or later.

Today, I slept till 8 a.m.,
Or at least stayed drowsily in bed after 6 a.m.
Now? I’m in my office.
Polishing. Praying. Writing. Planning.
Just for an hour, I say. Then we do what you want.
My bride just nods. She’s been here before.

Okay. An hour is done.
I’m shutting it down.
My dogs are on the porch.
My wife is in the Living Room. (‘Sic.)

Good Day, So Long, See you later!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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