The Day is Done, and now sets the sun
The Day is Done, and now sets the sun

When you’ve gone as far as you can go,
And all you’ve aimed to achieve is done,
Take a moment to rest—you’ve earned it well,
Tomorrow brings new days, new tasks, more to be won.

It’s Sunday evening. It was a day hardspent until mid-afternoon. From before the sun, till sometime after noontime, everything I had on my plate was delivered. I pray it was well received.

There’s something about Sunday that ends the preparations from the week before, and sets the stage for the week to come. It’s my fulcrum. The center of all days. Uphill, then downhill. Push forward to climb back up to that center, and then let gravity pull you down. All the while, accomplishing what you’ve been called to do.

What I’ve learned through the years, and some will never get it, we all need a centering.

I found my center a long time ago sitting around a dinner table after midnight. My gifted study bible for my sixteenth birthday in hand. God showed me something. If you know me, you know my story. I’ve written about it too many times.

When I shared it with my sister back in 2015 in her apartment in Dutch Harbor, AK, she said, “I never knew this.” Not everyone knows how your center became that fulcrum that gives you your balance. You must live it before them. All the time. You must share it as often as is feasible. If you don’t, your influence is lost.

Along the way, I’ve lost influence. I could name the names and tell the stories, but I’d much rather say, “I’m working hard on keeping my ability to be a strong stable presence in the life of my family, church, neighbors, friends, and all the strangers I come in contact with.”

I love to read the priestly prayer that Jesus shared with his disciples in that special place where they celebrated their last Last Supper. John 17. Since chapter and verses are man’s organization tools, I would ask you to back up a few verses. Beginning in John 13, we find the beginning of the Last Supper. Jesus washes the disciples feast. Go ahead. Read it. All the way through the 17th chapter. But don’t skip that important statement just before you turn to John 17.

I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

If you heard my message today… Tag into my title, “He’s Got This!”

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By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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