The challenge of climbing high to see far
Everyday Challenges

When I was young, I thought, “One of these days and it’ll all make sense. I’ll have enough money, time, and life will be good.” One of these days I’ll enjoy my work and get to enjoy my off time. Of course, as a kid, I did not see mowing the yard as work, but planting bushes and flowers? One week here. Next week? No. Let’s move them over there. Wait a week. No. I like them better where we first had them…


That was always on a Saturday. It seemed. Cleaning day. Living on a dusty road? Wash the screens and baseboards, beat the rugs then air them out, and all the other things you do when living in the real world.

Wait… Do we work on our off time? Sure. Fishing and Hunting represents work, only it’s something you want to do and little about “having to do it.”

As a child, little did I know, and even had I would I think differently? We face challenges every day. No matter what we think life should be like.

Behind the scenes, in the privacy of our lives,
or even lived out in public as a politician, where everyone gets to have a say in what should be.

Life is a challenge every day!
Even on a day off.
You still must breathe, think, get up and do.
Motivation may be missing, but basic needs must be met.

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
~Helen Keller

Labor Day just passed, and we thought to take the day and do no labor, nor cause anyone else to deal with laboring. It just about worked. Whoa! How did that word slip in?

Our dogs needed to be fed and that’s a form of work. A contractor was showing up early on Tuesday, so we worked at the end of day to straighten up the house. We washed and dried a load of clothes. Work.

Get my drift? Come to think of it. We worked throughout the day!

Why? There’s often no challenge in life more important to handle than solving your basic needs. God worked six days, and then he rested. Right? It’s not that he needed the rest, but he was teaching us that we need our personal downtime. And that law of the Old Testament often required that everyone including the beast we utilized and the staff we employed to be allowed to have the same R&R.

But quick research shows that the word “work” is employed in way to many features of life!

We work at being patient (James 1:4). Our ministry is work. (Hebrews 6:10) Others are in charge of our time and we should always represent ourselves well by our work. (Titus 3:1) Doing something evil? Yes. That’s work. (2 Timothy 4:18)

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important
as what you become by achieving your goals.”
~Zig Ziglar

I’m not sure writing a blog is work, but I do work consistently at producing a thought every day.

Praying. Is that work? I guess it depends on if you think it a burden, or you enjoy talking to your creator.

Reading. Is that work? Well, if it’s for a lesson, then yes, but for pleasure? Only if you work your eyes too hard!

Get the drift? Work is what you define it, and sometimes it’s a challenge to face. Other times? Enjoyable. Satisfying.

I see the difference.

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By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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