Comminity Gathering
Community Connection

To Belong To A Community, You Must Connect

At some point we will all reach a place where we are the eldest in a community we’ve enjoyed for years. My parents had a 42-Domino party they celebrated with for over 50 years. Eventually, as the group dynamics changed, it eventually disbanded. It was difficult to commute, share a meal, or enjoy a game.

But they were still a community!

I may not have graduated from the high school I spent my first three years at, but that’s the group of students I attempt to stay connected to. Most of them have not been in my life for decade, but if you name the town, school, and the Fighting Falcon as your mascot, then you have defined a community.

To stay connected means you must see value.

The same is true for churches of my younger years. By younger, I mean anything before 1994 when we moved back to Anchorage to start a new church. Though my connection to community changed and I helped define a community that is still going today, I still connect to those earlier years.

If you see value, you must make the effort to connect.
Community is important!

Throughout the years, our community adapts to the times. What I grew up with is not what is standard today. It’s hard to introduce someone unless you know what they self-identify as, and they call you out if you don’t do it their way. Yes. In front of friends in a public place. Oh well, that’s life and it doesn’t affect me. I just need to figure out how to handle it. Yes. We learn how to handle our community as well.

Community adapts, but my standards do not change.
If my God doesn’t change, then I don’t change.

This morning, and for a host of reasons, I realized that it’s difficult to be in a community if you don’t want help, refuse to talk, or accept what can be provided. Community can only exist if you accept the price of belonging.

Do you need a community? Sure! Jesus tells you how to make it happen.

For where two or three are gathered together in My name,
I am there in the midst of them.”
Matthew 18:20 NKJV

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It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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