Mountains, pasture, and sheep
Do You Love Me?

It was after the resurrection. (John 21)
Jesus was being seen by those hurt the most at his death.
Betrayal. Disappointment. Fear. Confusion.
They didn’t know what to feel, nor how to act.

Jesus tells them to fish the other side of the boat.
Lord, we’ve fished all night. No Success.
Peter plunged into the waters.
The first to the shore.

He left the others to finish the catch,
But was quick to help drag the net to shore.
After breakfast was done, Jesus turned to Peter.
Simon. Son of Jonah. Do ou love me more than these?

Yes. Feed my lambs.
Yes. Tend my sheep.
Again. And by this time Peter is grieved.
Yes, Lord. Feed my sheep.

A long ago study of this shows two things.
Jesus asked about Love. Agape Love.
Peter replied all three times. Phileo Love.
The third time, Jesus uses the same word as Peter. Phileo.

Maybe Peter would never catch the Love that Jesus had…

Jesus changes up the words between
Lambs and Sheep…
Feed and Tend…
And Love…
Peter did not change a single word he himself used.
But he did grieve. Surely the Lord understood his love.

Maybe the outcome would be different.
But the Lord tells him what manner of death by which Peter would die.
It doesn’t sound easy, but maybe that’s the lesson.
If you cannot Love like Jesus, then your love will be more greatly tested.

Ask yourself… How much do you Love Him?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!