Headstones of Silence
Silenced Too Soon

For some reason, while searching my photos for something else,
Every headstone I’ve ever taken a picture of popped up.
It felt strange, almost like it was a sign.
It made me question the photos existence, but really, I know why.

For example:

I drive by cemeteries often, and the acreage is covered with them.
Some standing tall, others level with the grass,
Some are covered in flowers, others ill-kempt.
Many exist by their lonesome. No one there, and no one to notice.

Some may not agree, but I find headstones are important
As a point of reference, history, memories, and connection.
True, the person is no longer here nor there,
But the connection, I feel, is solid. Strong. Timeless.

Not to throw stones…
But why bury anyone if no one cares?
Cremation has become the rage. It’s cheaper.
Not that I want to be embalmed or viewed, but the timeless tradition?
Burial. In the ground.
Do it quickly.
If there is not a body at the memorial service,
Then do we really care?
Not me. I’ve been around too much death.
But the Headstone after the fact?
Yes. I want a headstone….

Don’t get me wrong. Technology helps me remember.
Social media photos, posts and stories,
Pictures stored by the terrabytes,
Online they remain, until the internet dies.
And that, my friend, is a headstone none of us will read.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!