A crowd of people
Ever Been There Before?

Spirit is drained, mind is frazzled, and the body is tired.
It’s hard to tell up from down, right from left, up from down.
You read the same sentence several times, and it doesn’t make sense.
But you are the one who wrote it just a few minutes before.

The rug is pulled out, the other shoe has dropped,
And all you want to do is cry, “Uncle!”
From your chair you slide to the floor,
And there is absolutely no strength to arise.

I’ve never been one to stay up all night and cram for a test.
But I do know how to wait until the last moment,
To prepare seconds before a bell rings, and the teacher says, “Quiet, now.”

Right now, it feels like the world has piled up on top of me.
It’s hard to breathe. The ears are deaf from the clanging sound of life.
The mind cannot pick up the next sentence to say why life feels weird.

I wrapped up a project Saturday afternoon.
Everyone gone. Lights turned off. Silence. Golden. Pure.
I looked at the work that had been done.
Worth it? Yes. Price paid? You bet. Do it again? In a heartbeat.

I’ve been here before. I know what to do. Quiet time. Me Time.
Before the evening is gone and the morning starts a brand new day.
You see, these times come often enough. You recognize the symptoms.
Because it’s familar, you know what to do next.

I’m in my office. Not a sound but the A/C humming in the distance.
My keyboard clicks as my fingers fly over the letters.
Words appear on the screen. It’s called mind-dumping.
Or something like that. Let it out.

Now. Pull back your shoulders. Close your eyes. Breath deeply.
It’s over. Now get back into the game of life.
Yes, Frank, that’s life.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!