Dry desert, cracked basin, dead standing tree
Spring Up, o well... Spring Up

Someone once told me,
Whatever I thought they experienced
Back when years and life were young
It was nothing but them playing a part.
They felt nothing, knew nothing,
And were acting in the roles of the times.

I know better.

I know what God has done,
I am praying that it will happen again,
But I also know dry times will come
I pray the heart will remember what the mind obfuscates.

A scripture recently shared
Tells me it’s up to me and my season.

Israel returns to a well of history…
It’s dry and barren.
But they begin to sing to the well,
Spring up! O Well, Spring Up!

Many will tell you what this means
But I felt it during my preaching last Sunday
The time will come when I feel dry and empty
I’ll sing an old melody of yesteryear, Spring Up!

The water will trickle…
Sing it again, louder…
It’s like a faucet slowly becoming full force.
I will not be able to stand it until,
I recognize it for what it is… The Holy Spirit
For out of Wells, we will draw
That quencher of salvation needs.

I also know that my memories can spring up,
That old youth group strength,
Those Bible School lessons,
Those revival and prayer meetings,
The teaching and preaching
Memories… Spring Up!

I’ll relearn how to voice my prayers,
And sing my praise and worship my Lord
I’ll sit on the edge of the seat
As the Word goes forth.
Spring UP!

If ever there was a time to renew
It is now. Restore? It’s not too late.
But that day may come
When that well is eternally dry.
No singing “Spring UP!” will accomplish a thing.

Before that time comes,
In the quietness of your moment alone
Return to those yesteryears…
Spring up… o well… Please, Spring UP again.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!