Slow Words Upside Down and Backwards on a bike trail

I’m not into fads
Nor do I focus on the latest and greatest
What I enjoy the most
Are the things I’ve trusted through the decades.

At one time
These things were the latest fad
The greatest of all time
But I found them late. I don’t follow fads.

But when I find something…
It becomes mine. Today. Foundational, even.
Yes, sometimes I’m slow.
But, honestly, I’m okay with that. Slow’s Okay.

Recently, I rediscovered
A Christian Group I’ve known for decades.
The older folks move on
And the next generation fills in the gaps.

I’ll be honest.
I’m not enamored with the latest music craze.
Mostly, I love the old, even slow,
Weathered, and time honored songs.

Sometimes, however,
Mix the two worlds and you create a new place in my heart.
An updated older group,
Even an updated older song speaks to me.
And a more modern song?
I’m slow, but give me time, I can relate.

Sometimes, it takes a mountain.

I Can’t Even Walk Without Holding Your Hand

How Beautiful Heaven Must Be

Hear My Song Lord

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!