Memory Books

I’ve been writing for a dozen years
A post of memories, stories, facts, and wishes.
Those things I share, and I realize the truth,
They are mine, and when gone, so will they.

Why should anyone care or read?
They have their own memories to share.
But a slice of the American life that’s mine,
It is something I’m enjoying remembering.

One writes a journal. Private, until not.
I’m encouraged to read after the fact of death.
But if I’m interested, then why not now?
A public blog space has done me well.

It is said that memories make a person.
I remember so much, and more unsaid.
But if I can dig them out, put them out,
And let others know that memories are good, even when bad.

Biographies, whether auto or not.
Memoirs, or short anecdotes of life.
Historical “fiction” fills the storyline of the unknown.
Based on true life? Still, it is a story that may not be true.

Memories are different, or so say those who know,
Every time they are remembered, they are enhanced.
Colors are sharper, conversations take on more detail,
Then, the new version is stored.

I say, “It’s like a book I read dozens of times.
Every time I read, I get something new out of the story.”
Try that with your Bible… I do. It works. All the time.

I’ve changed with the passage of time, so I’m ready to glean…
And this blog post read again and again,
It will give us something new because we will have changed.
Our views mature, language improves, and desires have been fulfilled.

Remember your memories…
There’s gold stored there.
Share when necessary,
And others will remember with you.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!