Weird view of today
This Morning Is Weird

Most of my morning thoughts came to me a few minutes or hours ago. My mind eats at the table of thoughts, and some things make sense enough to write about. So, I write.

Through the night, I wandered down the encyclopedic path of time, and that’s what I wanted to share. Then, my morning routine poked me in the heart, so I shelved the thought of what was on my heart, flooding my mind.

Life is really weird right now.

Someone shares their angst about political strife and then admits it’s strange, so he wants to return to his comedy and skip the satire. At least, that’s my take. [Source] Anotherwritere shares his perspective of our nation’s capital becoming a scary and scared place. Unlike his younger years, he’s realized that politics is a strained bedfellow. At least, that’s my take. [Source]

Growing up, “W-E-I-R-D” was a Friday night movie treat after normal bedtime. The old black-and-white scary movies of the earlier decades could leave you with nightmares or help you repeat the theme on a sleeping brother across the room. The disembodied hand that crept up the back of a car seat dripping poison from its pointed fingernails. The spider kept getting bigger the more you tried to kill it, until you found out salt kills! Then you flood a salt mine with water from a destroyed dam, and the flow destroys the monster.

Weird. That movie genre happened while assassinations were happening through our political ’60s trip and as we raced to the moon. We would crouch under our school desks for protection if the big one (bomb) ever dropped near – our desks became our savior. Our BB guns went with us everywhere as we barefooted through the world of stickers, hot tar streets, and burning sand. From bikes to cars, we moved from grade schools with kids whose parents were astronauts and industrial workers and were ecstatic about the escape years of the automobile brought us.

All the while, a war in southeast Asia was marching to a close in the next decade. The Six-Day War in Israel in 1967 produced some scary spiritual fears. The Draft stops, and I no longer had to fear the call-up…

My senior year was one course from September to December 1972. All I needed was a government class; then, I escaped to my car and a new job. We reenacted the presidential race and put our act before the school. Nixon won by a landslide! That crook, or at least that was the common theme just a few years later. Weird.

Politics kept changing our course of history. Weird? Perhaps not. Either politics came first, or the needs of a growing landscape. Either they were weird, or they reflected us, the populace.

Talk about times of weirdness. In my younger years, I never imagined a computer. But that’s where my future took me – banks and computers. Computers grew by leaps and bounds as I moved through the technology phase from keypunch cards to managing web teams. Today, my mobile phone is more powerful than the computer that helped man land on the moon…

Gasoline leaped above a dollar on pumps that never were intended to get above 99 cents. Rationing. Lines and rationed days, and no more than five gallons, or was it five dollars? Weird.

I could go on.

From crime to the changing face of our nation and to the weird feeling I’m experiencing this morning, I feel like the day will be different. Weirder. I paused to care for my dogs. Wow. Now I feel a bit better. Maybe there’s hope for the day. Uh oh. Don’t read the text. There was bad news for someone.

Maybe the day will turn out better. I’ll check back in at the end of the day and update you.

Can it get any weirder?

Perhaps. Compare the headlines from this morning to the next.

I return to my routine: breakfast, coffee, devotion, scripture, and prayer. I keep my routine, which includes God in every portion of the equation. That’s my algorithm.

Then He also said to the multitudes,
“Whenever you see a cloud rising out of the west, immediately you say,
‘A shower is coming’; and so it is.
And when you see the south wind blow, you say,
‘There will be hot weather’; and there is.
Hypocrites! You can discern the face of the sky and of the earth,
but how is it you do not discern this time?
(Luke 12:54-56 NKJV)

Now. There. I don’t feel like it’s that weird after all.

Thank you for reading.
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(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!