How you start your day?
What do you do first?
Are you a slow starter?
Do you hit the floor running?

As I’ve aged I have found the need to adapt life to morning.
I used to leave for the job, but now the job is always here,
At the edges of my finger tips – computer and phone.
There’s no long commute. Foot meet floor, mind meet work.

This morning I awakened at 4:45
Not unusual in and of itstelf
But my mind was dealing with a thought
And the day was going before I knew it.

As life changes my focus
My morning routine has adapted.
Today, the schedule is full,
Although I mainly stay here.
Deliveries, technicians, setup, breakdown.
It’s going to be busy!

In between every activity
I must remember my routine
Time for The Word, some Prayer,
And making sure nothings left undone.

My morning is not meant to hit the ground running.
Slowly I enter the routine
And hang out with it for an hour or so.
Then I can do all the other busy tasks.
Yes. To Do. Get Done. Mark Complete. Victory!

In the words and mood of Willie Nelson’s song…
”Hello, morning. How are you doing today?”

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!