Starfish on a beach as the sun sets in the distance
Little Things Matter

There’s much in life I’m not good at
Little things I take for granted to do and receive from others
But I don’t do everything I’m talking about, do you?
I’ve listed a few things I take note of.

Opening doors, and closing them again
Making a mess, and cleaning up when done
Make little noise about a problem, instead of loudly complaining.
Take another at face value instead of always thinking the worst.

When at church, it’s the same here as much as when I’m there.
Straighten a row of chairs, pick up the trash left behind,
Make sure everything is updated (computer)
And turned off, sigh, that requires power or even water.

I often stand at the back of the church
To glance as a stranger may have done
What is missing, needing done, or looking out of place?
I might even make a list to buy something and never tell a soul I did.

Do that. please, it’s such a little thing.
It doesn’t cost much in money nor time.
No one may even notice. That’s when you smile.
To you that little thing mattered.

You know this story, it’s old as the hills.
But you matter for that thing you do,
Where and when no one else would even consider to do.

A boy stands on the beach. Hundreds of starfish have been swept up by the waves and stranded in the sand to die. One by one, he picks up a starfish and pitches it to the water so it can live. An adult watches him from up on the boardwalk and calls out:
“You can’t possibly throw all those starfish back in the water. You could stand there all night throwing starfish — it won’t matter.”
The boy looks around, throws another starfish into the water, and says, “It matters to this one.”

Is that you? Doing what everyone notices but doing nothing about it?

What you choose to do, or ignore as senseless action, matters to someone else who will notice.
It’s the little things that matter… You know it. So do I. I promise to do them better so no one will notice they are not done. Why? I care.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!