I picked up a book a few weeks ago. It cost me some pretty coin. But the premise and promise really set me back. There is a code to be great.

I began reading the first chapter… It’s too good not to share.

I paused and thought about those I knew who I would consider great. From entertainer, to business. From scientist, to engineer. From entreprenuer, to librarian. From mom, dad, and all the other relative connections.

It matters little which industry or calling you consider,
among those who do, they all recognize someone as the best.

How did Frank Sinatra sing it: Puppet, pauper, pirate, poet, pawn and a king. Up. Down. I know one thing. Each time I find myself flat on my face. I pick myself up and get back in the race! That’s Life!

That’s greatness!

One of the things is we tend to give up too soon.
We get knocked down a couple of times, and we stay down.
It’s so important to get back up again.
~Og Mandino

Anyone can be great in what their specific calling and talent of life may be. But true greatness is the perseverence in face of storms and disappointments.

Greatness comes from seeing victory even when defeat is staring you in the face. When pushed down, get up. When pushed back, stand strong. When life says no, simply think, “Next!”

I was thinking about some people I enjoy to this day even though they don’t hod much of a candle to the image they were in younger years. Respect. Honor. Don’t knock ’em down because they no longer can, but realize their ability to achieve came from something too many don’t have.

It’s something that’s within to live on the outside.

And that’s the key to greatness. It begins inside. You must develop within, understand how-to inside, long before you are recognized as someone with greatness qualities. Some may come by it naturally, others from studying someone they long to be like, or others require long hard life lessons to acquire the knowledge.

Before you jump on this, think it through. It’s not about “what” you want to be good at and isolate to a single source and outcome. It’s “all of you” in all you do. All the time. Day in and day out.

Learn what it means, prepare your mind and heart, then live life greatly.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!