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The Control of On and Off

From birth, we strive for the freedom of choice.
I wonder that the terrible-two’s is just that…
Trying to control their world,
Children go through a great wrestling of personality changes.

We want to control our choices,
And that includes destiny,
But let a problem creep in
And control slips out like water through opened fingers.

I’ve been around this lately,
As I watch others relinquishing control,
This morning I realize,
Being in control is not the panacea.

But there are zones of control,
Where I can show my power through love,
By showing my control, as in controlling self.

The words I share, the thoughts I think,
The actions I take. Even turning the other cheek.
Silence is golden, don’t always own the last word,
But through everything, let Christ be your crown.

After all, he did something few of us would consider.
He willing gave it all for you. Me. And all those others.

At the start of 2024, a very special year indeed,
I promised I would not get overwhelmed with desire,
To join Classes, Webinars, or surf for opportunities.
A worthy New Year Goal, to the say the least.

It lasted one month.
I gave into to my inquisitive nature.
AI, Doctoral Studies, Playing a New Instrument,
Managing expectations and deadlines,

I give up.
Maybe and perhaps I cannot control my desires.
There’s more I want to do, but not enough time.
I am working on gaining control!
Just when I talk about losing control!

Oh, well…

The gist of my thought this morning,
Is taking the Golden Horizon of “Control”
Stuff it in a box, and be “me, the best way “me” knows how.”

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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