The Span of Arms are the Strength of Your Influence
Breadth of Our Reach

Someone I love was often disappointed.
Something had been learned as a generality
But the truth of it was not there. At least for her.
She was not as tall as the reach of her extended arms.

The breadth of our reach often describes your height.
At least it does for me. With long arms and big hands,
I span a good six feet across, and I’m six feet tall.
From thumb to little finger, I can reach an Octave and a half
On the tinkling ivories, although I can play nothing you’d know.

As I readied this morning for the day, it came to mind,
We are often more than the breadth of physical reach.
We do have a reach that includes our Personality,
Spontaniety, Love, Care, Knowledge, Wisdom and more.

Don’t sell your self short (uhhh, accidental wording)
You are more than your physical reach.
With love, reach across the miles and through the years.
Let others know how much you love and care.

Don’t stop living beyond your reach.
Nor limit your influence to only your stature.
You have more to offer through the days ahead.
I know. I feel that reach right now. Don’t you?

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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