Cow walking in a rut made by other cows before her
Break Out of that Rut!

Have you ever found life to be nothing but a rut?
And you are in it, and you don’t realize it?
When you finally realize where you are,
What on earth do you do about it?

On a paved road ruts often come from
Heavy vehicles or studded tires changing
The road bed…wearing a groove in the middle…

On a dirt road? When it rains, and it’s muddy?
Repeatedly going down the road creates ruts…
It’s easy to get stuck… I know. Ask me about it.

Cow trails across the pasture?
One foot in front of the other,
Following the leader forward.
Wearing out the topsoil.
Deeper by the moment.

Ruts… It’s repeatedly doing the same thing
For most of us it’s true,
We don’t think about how we tred through life,
But thinking this is the only way to do it.

The Oxford Dictionary describes it like this:

rut /rət/ noun

  1. A long, deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles.
  2. A habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change.

Some ruts are good and necessary.
I have scripture to prove it.
When you leave the old paths,
Danger abounds. Watch out!

Breaking Out, Yes, You Can!!Some ruts are good and necessary. I have scripture to prove it. When you leave the old paths, Danger abounds. Watch out! Share on X

But when the rut leads to nowhere,
You owe yourself a pause,
Think about the life you live,
Are you walking the rut with purpose?
Or are you following the crowd ahead?

Questions? Answers!

Is your rut the right place to be?
It really depends on you.
God and church is not a rut
No argument from me,
Nor will I give up on it. So, I don’t.

But life in general is full of ruts.
Relationships. Finances. Habits. Life styles.
And the like. No one can make you leave a rut.
Only you have that power.

How do you exit a rut?

First, you must recognize you are in one…
Was it of your own choosing, or were you following someone?
If you feel trapped by the routine, what will you do about it?
If you created what got you where you are… Stop It!

Did you notice that?
Routine spells Rut…
If you drop a few letters.

Second, and this is a worthy thought, you must take control!
Control the pennies and the dollars will follow suit.
Be the friend, always there, even when your day is cloudy.
You’ll never be friendless.
Say the right word, even when emotions want you to respond differntly.
Yes. That often means, “Turn the other cheek.”
Not every battle needs you in the fight!
Not every war is yours to control.
Fight what you can. Be the change you need.
But remember there are others
Who need you to show control!

Third. Know your destination.
Only then can the journey can be more evenly paced.
Dad sang it with me… at his end,
This World is not my home…

This path can sometimes be drear,
But I plan to persevere.
You may be in the dark, or even the clouds,
But our walk is by Faith, not by Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)


Travel with the right crowd.
Pick your friends carefully.
Be there for others, as they are there for you.
Keep your head in the game… of life, that is.
Don’t quit your new habits.
Some ruts are worth their stability.

Watch, stand fast in the faith,
be brave, be strong.
Let all that you do be done with love.
(1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NKJV)

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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