Side Hustle: Making Money is Easy, Right?
Making Money is Easy, Right?

We all want more money, or maybe we need to spend less to have more at the ending of our month. Only you know you well enough to know the answer to this thought.

I’ve always felt like money on the “side” was just something everyone did.

Not true.

Back in the day when my bride did not “work” outside of the home when our children were young, I mowed yards, she babysat and provided daytime childcare. Along the way I’ve provided computing services, she baked wedding and birthday cakes. Between our “side hustles” we put enough money in the bank to support our needs and give us a few extras in life.

Today is no different.

After my bride retired (long and interesting story!), her company called her with an opportunity as a limited time tenured employee. Working from home, she’s working her way through her second contract since retirement. The money has been good. We’ve done extras we would have probably skipped.

And me? I retired from IT when we moved from Alaska. Well, a forced retirement. Suddenly, I’m too old, experienced and made too much money for the present market. I reinvented myself and taught college, all the while pastoring a church we planted. Neither pays very well, but then you don’t teach nor pastor for the money.

Along the way, I’ve been writing a non-paying blog for a dozen+ years. I keep wanting to publish a book but life and time get in the way. I keep looking for a side-hustle that will be fun to do because I want to and not because I must. A book is a definite plan. And there are many other things I’m looking at for the extras in life.

The purpose for this series of articles.

I want to share things you can find on the web anytime, all day and all night!

For example. This article gives you some guidance on doing what you already know how to do, and steps you through the thinking process.

10 Side Hustles That will Make you $1000 Per Month – Start Earning Today!

What if one of these ideas made you a few bucks to enjoy a few extras, or to simply make your current expenses seem less daunting?

Disclaimer: I’ve not personally done any one of these, but they are all in my hopper of things to explore!

Now. Go forth! Conquer!

Second Disclaimer: This is very important. The more you make the more you spend. Unless you have a handle on your finances you will never get ahead. That’s a future thought I’ll share soon.

Third Disclaimer: It’s an ask, I know, but if you like what I’m sharing there are many ways you can help me move my world forward. Look below, and there are share buttons for many social platforms. Please help me get the word out! Thank you.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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