Who Am I

By Rusty Goodman, 1964

  1. When I think of how He came so far from glory
    Came to dwell among the lowly such as I
    To suffer shame and such disgrace
    On mount calvary take my place
    Then I ask myself this question
    Who am I?
  2. When I’m reminded of His words
    I’ll leave you never
    If you’ll be true I’ll give to you life forever
    Oh I wonder what I could have done
    To deserve God’s only son
    To fight my battles until they’re won
    For who am I?

Who am I that the King would bleed and die for
Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord
The answer I may never know why He ever loved me so
That to an old rugged cross He’d go for who am I?

Who am I? I’m a sinner saved by Grace.

Growing up in Texas as a young pre-teen, our pastor sang this song and it was probably his most requested song. It’s a song I often wished I could sing as well as I remember it.

When Rusty Goodman wrote this song, his sister-in-law, Vestal Goodman, shared this insight in her autobigraphy, Vestal, she shares:

“… there was a hidden message – he never thought he was good enough of God’s love and forgiveness. [1]

Isn’t this true of all of us? We never think we’re good enough for God’s love and forgiveness. But we are his children. Saved by His Spirit. Washed clean in his blood. And forgiven every time we pray, “Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive others their trespasses.”

Who Are You?

That’s a question you must ask of yourself.

[1] https://lynnschronicles.com/southern-gospel-song-devotional-1-who-am-i/

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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