What wakes me up, and helps me along?
What makes me put, one foot in front of the other?
What pulls me to it, versus what drives me away?
Do you know what’s your Driving Force?

This recent trip, grand purpose accomplished,
A few treats to make say, I miss this much.
Antone’s, Blue Bell, certain Coffee tastes,
Friends, Family, … You know?

I learned a long time ago that my Driving Force
Is stronger than those things I miss.
Right now, however, I’m missing home.
Fortunately, my Driving Force is pushing me there.

Alaska Calls – Cold, Mountains, Space, that’s me.
At the same time, convenience is a greater force of need.
Don’t confuse the two,
You’ll go way wrong,
And be where nothing will go right.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!