Once a father, or as I like to think about it,
Always a father.
It’s nothing that comes and goes with age,
Once that title is yours
You’ll never see it go away.

Through the millennium, men and males,
Have become the fathers of the future.
Some know they don’t have the role
So easily evidenced by many.

Being a father is more than procreation,
It’s being there, sticking it out, teaching,
rearing, leading, and helping the future get its start.
Sewn up in their DNA or from their past,
It’s often difficult to see the future. Clearly.
But lead they do, and guide they must,
The next generation is building the future
On their shoulders and experience.

It’s weary to hear the titles “Best Father” or
“No one’s a better Father than mine,”
If others believe your claim, they often
Look with disdain at their own.

To the rugrat, it may be a fighting or tearing response.
To a teenager lost to hormones, who knows what they will say or think.
But to the person who feels it, it’s like the words of a TV story…
These are not words to his dad but to his mom, yet the sentiment is here.

“There are 5 billion people on this planet,
and you’re the perfect mom for me.
What are the odds of that?”
~Young Sheldon.

I hope all the Father’s understand this,
And I pray all the children out there (including me)
Understand how hard it is to be a Father.
But we all have Father’s. Don’t forget them today.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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