It’s been a few days since last
I sat and took the time to write.
Life is busy. Routines get broken.
There’s so much else that needs doing.

I miss the daily habit.
There’s something about a normal path.
From mid-morn to eve and onto the night
That is ready for the breaking morning light.

Habits. Routine. Normal. Gone.
Guilt. Fear of failure. What am I doing wrong?
Nothing is wrong. Priorities and needs change.
For a little while, I will deal with the broken habit.
Soon. A new process will form,
And life accepts a different path.

I was thinking of those who have faced the suddenness of life: war, sickness, death, calamity. What was once considered their normal routine is suddenly gone. Instead of moaning and groaning, how about recentering or rebuilding? Make a new path that will become a new habit you’ll enjoy.

I’ve written thousands of words, and few read.
Pages and posts no one finds or seeks.
But I’m here. Writing. Still.
It will be the thing that gets me through.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!