Growing up, we had puppies. Of that, I am certain.
Back then, no dog was fixed against a possible litter,
Any dog, anywhere, puppies were born…

But not today. We don’t need puppies as before.
There’s a plethora of shelters with dogs that don’t fit
The lifestyle of American homes, and we don’t like them straying.
So, we fix ’em!

Except. We now know. Dogs need to wait until they are mature.
Fixing them too soon takes away some of their hormonal needs for growth.
The responsibility of “no pups” becomes the job of the hoooman…
Yep. You. Me. Us. Them. They. Here, there and everywhere.

We enjoyed our pandemic dollars. Two German Shepherds we purchased.
One from Kansas. The other is from Washington.

Chewy and Gunny
Chewy and Gunny

They bred. Right there in front of us!
Not just once, but twice! Two litters. 17 puppies.
Whew. We worked hard for months on end.

But they were pure joy even when they chewed where you didn’t want them to,
squatted or hiked whether you were ready or not, and let you know when they needed attention!

My bride would sing them to sleep with them nustled all around her.
She excelled in her role as a “dog mom.”
Me… Grow up! Get out! Let’s be a good outside dog!
But first… Let me take some pictures and videos to remind me of you.

This was my favorite. Slo-Mo. We nicknamed the puppy bringing up the rear “Ears.”
Yes. She lives nearby and will spend two weeks with us during her “hoomans” vacation.

Life as a German Shepherd Puppy

Let’s say a lesson was learned.
From two older folks who should have known better.
Puppies are pure fun but lots of work.
Know what you’re getting yourself in for,
If you think you would enjoy…

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!

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