Tattered tennis shoe sitting in the mud
Walk A Mile...

It is said that a Cherokee saged this advice.
Someone else points to the plight of the immigrant and slave.
Even attribute the poem by Mary Lathrap in 1895,
Where she penned words to a title poem… Judge Softly.

I like to think it’s scriptural based. Jesus.
Judge not… Condemn not…
Forgive, and you’ll be forgiven.
(Luke 6:37)

Regardless of the aged and dated set of words,
This thought came to mind as I celebrated
A first night with no boot, bandages, or stitches.
Take it slowly, the doctor says, and I pray…never again.
So, slowly, I walk, pirouette, and turn.
Let that foot heal surely before my next heavy load.

Turn this thought to life: Others and their Struggles.
It’s easy to be critical of what their choice in life may be.
Until we pause to consider, you can’t know their reason,
You don’t know their loads, or choices, or history.

Walk A Mile In My Shoes: Others and their Struggles. It's easy to be critical of what their choice in life may be. Until we pause to consider, you can't know their reason, You don't know their loads, or choices, or history. Share on X

Mary Torrans Lathrap was a Temperance Speaker, Church Teacher,
Podium Presenter and Word Smith writer.
A digital collection of her life covers 454 pages!
She says it like this:

Don’t sneer at the man who is down today
Unless you have felt the same blow
That caused his fall or felt the shame
That only the fallen know.

You may be strong, but still the blows
That were his, unknown to you in the same way,
May cause you to stagger and fall, too.

Don’t be too harsh with the man that sins.
Or pelt him with words, or stone, or disdain.
Unless you are sure you have no sins of your own,
And it’s only wisdom and love that your heart contains.

For you know if the tempter’s voice
Should whisper as soft to you,
As it did to him when he went astray,
It might cause you to falter, too.

Just walk a mile in his moccasins
Before you abuse, criticize and accuse.
If just for one hour, you could find a way
To see through his eyes, instead of your own muse.

Did you catch the Jesus Principle at work?
If you read this correctly and you know the name Elvis,
You can hear him sing the song written by Joe South.
Before you abuse, criticize, or accuse… Walk a mile in my shoes.

Thank you for reading.
Please share with others.
It helps me get my book written!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!