Dust Bowl Travelers with luggage
What's Important To You?

I’ve been struggling with foot pain for months.
Slowly, and surely, the limp became a hobble.
Getting out of bed, or chair, or stepping out of the truck,
It’s a 5-10 struggle to take a comfortable step.

Since it’s a strain that can better with time,
Physical Therapy, Shots, and orthotics have been the routine.
But nothing was permanent. It kept getting worse…
Next Tuesday… quick surgery and then we’ll see.

This week, I’ve been stressing about covering my bases.
Loading up to take the load off my bride as I recover.
I’ll be down a week with an elevated foot.
Then, I will have a slow three-month recovery before I can be confident.

It’s Fixed!

I’ve worked my foot to death this week, and it’s hurting most of the time.
But today is my last sunny day. There are a few acres to mow.
A heavy load or two to shift around. Some fencing to blockade the dogs.
And some desk work to cap it off before I’m laying low.

My laundry list is shortening, but not as quickly as I’d like.
There may be a couple of things undone
Before I go under the surgeon’s knife.
If you must choose what to leave undone…what is your choice?

And that’s where I’m sitting this morning.
The sun is shining. 40 degrees. Three acres to mow. Fence.
Oh, yeah, and Sunday is still awaiting some preparation force.
What would be important if suddenly Mt Rainier blew?

Thirty-five miles to the east by the Crow,
Dormant and comfortable to stay asleep,
This volcano is awaiting the day,
When it rises from sleep.

Mt St Helen’s blew in May 1980 and changed life.
We were moving to Alaska 6 months later. Oh, my, debris!
Today, this volcano is just 60 crow miles south and east.
I’m surrounded by potential tragedy and struggle.

What’s important to me?

There are a few papers and keepsakes I’d quickly scoop up.
Our dogs. A computer. A few memories, no time for more. Family?
We will be challenged by an exodus. Fuel. Crowds. Strangled traffic flows.
As long as there are no tsunamis, we could make it a few miles away.

What then? Maybe, and I’ll find it strange to say,
The best thing to do is to anchor at home and pray.
What then? I’m sure I don’t know.
But I’d change the importance factor.

My mind goes through all the tragedies of history.
What was important the most to those at Vesuvius?
Or after Christmas Day, when an earthquake in India,
Created the tsunami in 2004 and many never understood.

How about those with Conestoga wagons overloaded?
Future comfort items dropped along the way. Not worth it.
Dust Bowl era migrant workers. Packing only what they can carry.
When it comes down to survival, what is most important?

It’s not just natural disasters to fear. Health issues.
Auto accidents. Trips and falls. It only takes a moment.
Then you realize what’s most important of all.
It’s not about here. Now. Today. Stuff.
No. It’s about eternity. And I believe in it.
So. Make sure your heart is right. Keep your soul buttoned up.
The day will come, no matter the moment.,
That last breath. Breathes in from life here. Exits to life there.

That’s what’s important to me.

For what shall it profit a man,
if he shall gain the whole world,
and lose his own soul?
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
(Mark 8:36-37 KJV)

What Is Important To You? For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36-37 Share on X

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By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!