Fire and Water hands about to punch each other
Fighting Back

Sometimes, we know we are in a fight; sometimes, we don’t recognize the parameters and think it’s a disagreement we can negotiate to a settlement. But in everything we do, we learn to acquiesce or stand up against whatever force creates an opposing situation.

We’ve lost the battle so many times.

Temptations, calories, relationships, report cards, sleep deprivation, too many distractions, lack of focus, or even fitting into a group that does not care enough to check in until they want something from you.

We can either tackle a new approach or throw in the towel and cry, uncle. I’m not a quitter. No do I always feel like I must fit into another’s shelving space. Yet, I do focus on plowing my own way forward. My CB Handle was Path Finder…that says it all in a nutshell! I’ve never been lost anywhere on this globe, but I will admit to being turned around the wrong way a few times.

How we choose to face challenges says a lot about our attitude.

Fighting Back: How we choose to face challenges says a lot about our attitude. Share on X

Life Happens

Take a snapshot of yourself for a moment. Height, weight, and general health.

I’ve taken for granted through the years that I’m taller, bigger, and in better health than many others around me. Still, too many times, I’ve ignored the signals or advice from a medical professional. I’m really my own worst person to deal with.

But a hit to the knee by a baseball bat when I was only 12 or 13, which made for an interesting visit to Lookout Mountain, TN, about 1970 or so, finally came crashing down on vacation back in 2018. Surgery, though minor, still created a new stance. More surgery may be needed in the future. Recovery is slow. I still don’t want to put too much strain on that joint.

Then, a 2021 car crash that was not my fault created a multiplicity of aches and pains that I’m still dealing with as 2023 approaches the end. I believe it exacerbated another hidden issue, and now I’ve been dealing with plantar fasciitis of my right heel, which was the foot used to pound the brake to the floor while trying to miss the car that pulled in front of me. Did I say crash? Both cars were totaled. It was not my fault, but I still deal with the aftermath.

Cascading faults, situations, and occurrences create this “new me.”
And I’m working hard to fight back.

In fact, this thought comes from something I shared last Sunday. “Fighting Words!” In my message, I didn’t share this image of a football team winding up their attitude against their opponent by challenging each other in the huddle before they leave the locker room. “We’re here to Fight! We came to Win! Nothing can stop us! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Sometimes, we need a cheerleader from the sidelines.

Only, that’s not me. I’m not here to cheerlead anyone through life and I dislike being in a cheerleading session. I know what my backbone says about challenges! My fighting words are found in my attitude, prayers, the praise songs I sing, the worship I present, and the Bible I treasure.

This is how, when, why, and where I find my victory!

I have my favorite songs I sing for specific trials and struggles I face. But I also have favorite songs to share the victory!
There are marked-up scriptures and lists of words that I rely on when facing life, whether good or bad.
There’s an inward attitude that tells me I’m not in this life to be defeated, but I also know the rain falls on the just and the unjust. (Matthew 5:45)
There’s a Bible just waiting for me to open and allow God and History to speak to me.
I have a list of folks I touch base with who speak into my life, and I pray allow me to speak into theirs.

What If…

What if I faced life with what athletes call their “game face?”

In other words, don’t let the disappointments show the opponents that I’m not anything but confident in the face of every situation.

Fighting Back: Put on your Game Face – Don't let the disappointments show the opponents that you are not anything but confident in the face of every situation. Share on X

Persevering. Hide the pain. Ignore the hurt. Don’t let anything leak out to show the blows you are feeling.

Don't leak your feelings...
~Michael Gurley

(For the LORD is our Judge,
The LORD is our Lawgiver,
The LORD is our King;
He will save us);
Isaiah 33:22 NKJV

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It helps me get my book written!

(Below, you may find other topics similar to this one. Please read on!)

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!