Home Run
Home Run!

There is a baseball reference that describes hitting the ball out of the park. Often, and most probably, it is related to a Home Run. “Good-bye baseball, gone!” “It’s out of here!” “It could be, it might be… It is, A home run!”

Often, you said the same thing when the opposition hit the homer, but without the intensity when your team knocked it out of the park!

It’s stupendous when the bases are loaded, and it’s called a “Grand Slam!” Or if it produces the winning point to end the game. There’s a term for that, but it’s not coming to my mind this early morning.

Do you have a memory of a homer spectacular that you could share? I’d love to hear from you.

Apply This Thought To Life

We all want to be the one to hit that ball that everyone remembers. Equally, we want to be the one that gives the gift, wows the crowd, or makes a memory that will be compared to through the ages.

Sometimes, we hit the ball out of the park…over the top…but too often, what we do or say is simply in keeping with everything else we’ve ever done or said. It’s average, even when you think it had the potential to be spectacular.

I’ve always backed up from these moments, analyzed my expectations and the results, and told myself, “I’ll do better next time.” Of course, every time you do something, you’ll think you have the opportunity to shine.

But, there’s also something else to consider. What you may have said or done is spectacular; the times do not allow for the fireworks to fly. Something happens at the last moment and ruins the playing field. A storm or similar malfunction creates a dull moment when nothing could be done differently.

Our expectation may be high, the moment could be wrong, and timing is the kink that never allows the home run to materialize.

We’ve all felt this and experienced it too often. The reasons are many, but understanding is minimal.

Do Your Best Every Time

I’ve learned to give the task my all, do my best every time. Sometimes it will be the best and “blow out the competition!” Other times? It may only be marginally good enough to count for the win. Then, more times than we would like to remember, it will be just enough to feel disappointed. Let down. Drag your knuckles back to the dugout. Wait for the moment. It’s time. Do it again.

What’s the tongue-in-cheek definition of insanity?

Doing something the same way but expecting better results.

When you are back on the sidelines, perhaps it’s best to rethink your strategy. Baseball, like many sports, have coaches that analyze what you’re doing and then retrain for better results. After hitting thousands of baseballs, or golf balls, in the practice sessions, the proof in the pudding will be what happens in the game’s real life.

What is the key? Do your best every time. Aim for the fences. Swing with all your training in mind. Someday it will be that homerun you’ve been looking for!

Out of the Park! What is the key? Do your best every time. Aim for the fences. Swing with all your training in mind. Someday it will be that homerun you've been looking for! Share on X

Here are some scriptures to make this thought complete. Why? That’s me doing the same thing every time hoping you find your home run. [Click Here]

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!