Morning Routine
Before I Start Me Day

A long time ago, at least 5 years back, I asked God for a fresh thought every morning. Think about it, if his compassion never fails and his mercies protect us, the writer instructs us they are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:21-23) Before I prepare myself for the day, He is already there. Before I wash my face, my fill in the blank says I have hope for the day I’m stumbling into.

Every morning is rooted in habit, except that yesterday may change today. I will handle tomorrow then, so today is my focus. (Matthew 6:34)

What is your focus right now? Before you wash your face and start your day, what are your tasks and goals?

Life changes our reactions quickly, are you prepared to change tracks to another road you must walk? Can you quickly adapt?

Through the years I’ve watched others stumble into their morning ill-prepared for the challenges on the table. “Coffee! I need coffee!” They cry. Their morning drug of choice. “Don’t talk to me!” Their mind is not prepared for banter. “Leave me alone!” They want to take their time coming awake.

The older I get, and the more set in my ways I believe, I anchor my routine – Quietness, Coffee, Cereal, Word, Devotion (my own), Prayer, finally Headlines. Okay? Now. Up and at ’em! Maybe then I will remember to wash my face, shave, brush my teeth. Maybe. Next? I find myself researching and sharing my morning thought. I can think this thing through for hours, but I put a limit on myself. Within 60 minutes I need to be moving on.

March On!

I believe my routine sets my day in motion. Successfully. It’s my foundation. My framework. I don’t get to the ending of the sunlight and wonder what I may have missed. All those little pieces and parts are in place. My mind is clear. The day has sprung. March on!

Before I Wash My Face, I ____ (Fill in the blank) Knowing how to start your day is probably your most important thought to prepare you to face the day successfully. Share on X

Abraham often got up early and stood in the place where he met God. (Genesis 19:27). Life established my early morning habit a long time ago. Anywhere between 5-6 a.m., I naturally awake, no matter what time I went to sleep. Give me my first hour, and the rest of the day can be fluid. No phones – turned off or unplugged. Just me and my routine, getting ready to march on.

All things being equal, my morning ritual is my most important habit of my day. Et tu?

Knowing how to start your day is probably your most important action.

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!