Storms and Lighthouses
Storms and Lighthouses

We’ve all faced trials when it seems like there was nothing to do but hunker down and ride out the storm. For many of us, we are facing the worst of it all as we deal with the unfolding “storm landscape”. Are we learning anything in the midst of these trials?

Every square inch of life is blasted by one storm or the other. Name them. It’s okay. Finances. Racial equality. Politics. Pandemic. Fear. Uncertainty. Unknown. Sometimes you have to let yourself recognize the storms. Name them like hurricanes! Recognize their potential threat and power. Act and react to them all you want! When the cacophony of storms appears, drowning our common sense, what do you do?

Can you learn anything in the midst?

It depends on you! “Book learning” in antiseptic moments of classroom experiences only teach us so much. We comprehend only after we put the learning to use. Understanding often comes after storms and trials.

Difficult times reveal our character! Build your character well for such a time as this.

There’s A Song

For me, most of everything I learn comes from reading about making our way through storms. Even, learning how to survive the storm in real life and putting the experience into a lesson to share. Perhaps the better way for me? Speak the experience into lines of poetry. Wrap it up in a musical score. Let someone sing their way through the storm.

Till The Storm Passes By

In the dark of the midnight,
Have I oft hid my face;
While the storm howls above me,
And there’s no hiding place;
‘Mid the crash of the thunder,
Precious Lord, hear my cry;
“Keep me safe ’til the storm passes by.”

‘Til the storm passes over,
‘Til the thunder sounds no more;
‘Til the clouds roll forever from the sky,
Hold me fast, let me stand,
In the hollow of Thy hand;
Keep me safe ’til the storm passes by.
~Mosie Lister, 1958

Every generation, tribe, and culture will have their own song to sing. This one is mine!

What Have You Learned?

My time of learning began in 2019. Surgery (minor). Tragedy (sister). Cancer and Death (Dad). Pandemic (world). Retirement (my bride). Hunkering down (all of us). Riding out the storm (some of us). It’s getting worse faster than it gets better. (ME!)

That which I realize is simply that which I’ve shared for decades.

It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

Maybe this is an important key for all of us to learn. Prepare now for the future, because you have no clue when the future will not simply stomp on the present!

A friend recently taught a mid-week bible study at church and shared what this time has taught her, and probably you. (My translation)

  • Pray More, Read the Bible More
  • Help others
  • Focus on what’s Important – Family, Church
  • Reconnect with others
  • Realize the importance of your connection with God and others.

In The Eye of the Storm

I’ve lived through a mild hurricane and understand the middle of the storm. The eye. There was suddenly a peace not felt a few minutes previously. Halfway through! Have you learned anything in the midst of it?

A few moments respite. Take a deep breath. Put your knowledge to use. Are you ready for the storm to hit again? At the ending of it all, and put what you’ve learned to good use. Prepare for future storms!

You have your own list of what you know to be important! Act on it!

“When the storms of life rage, He is God.
When there is a downpour of blessings, He is God,
and when battles are won, He is still God.
No season can ever change who He is.”
~Gugu Mona

There are times we "forget" how things go. We've lost the memory of the muscle to do something. You can restore and rehabilitate it, sure, but what if you've lost your muscle memory with God?
  1. Lost Muscle Memory
  2. The Purpose of Snow
  3. Of All The Things We Want
  4. When Life Breaks
  5. Faulty Reasoning Skills

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!