Morning Sky
Morning Sky

It’s early this morning, and it’s my typical Sunday. I don’t have time to waste, there is much to be done, for me, and everyone else who is preparing to serve Christ in their local church.

Simply put? This is how I’ve learned to handle my days, every day of the week!

You may rush hither and yon,
Stressing over this, and that.
But taking those precious moments
That assures your heart is focused,
Your mind has clarity,
And your focus is not blurred,
You can know that you are ready.

Do early, long before the clock says it’s time.
Prepare in advance of the task you are called to do.
Do not let the day get started rushed
Just because you got started late.
Let your habit be like the one we serve.
Get up early, lest you be called Late.

I’m not sure why some think they deserve to sleep in and choose Sunday for their late morning routine because there are 6 other days they wouldn’t dream of allowing their day to not be ruined by habitual tardiness or disregard for something that is important.

If ever I could describe my commitment to life, be it work, spiritual, family or connected to a friend in need, I will always be early, seldom ever late, and will stay as long as necessary to cover all the bases.

What does your morning say about you?

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!