Where Do You Go?: (Audio)

It was Thursday, August 24th, that we really started getting concerned about the direction of Hurricane Harvey. I say “we” in that nebulous voice of far away family. Far from the center of the latest Hurricane to threaten the Texas coast. I know there were avenues for exit from the danger zone but it was not my decision to make. Everyone chose for themselves whether they felt comfortable enough to persevere in face of potential devastation. I mean, how do you evacuate and deal with 7-10 million people?

After phone calls, emails, texts, and social media contacts were made, the most you could do was simply wait for the news reports. Call it pins and needles, or sitting on the edge of your seat, it seemed we were constantly waiting for that proverbial shoe to drop. Surely, the news would be bad.

It was a fortunate side of the story that my family survived intact, but you could not say that for all those countless thousands who faced the storm and lost their safety net.

News reports and every avenue of communication was flooded with information for those that needed help. Numbers to call were constantly being pushed outward. Every first responder that made their way to the hurting, and all those volunteers that turned away from their own situations just to help others, it was a remarkable story of resilience and fortitude that pulled so many out of dangerous situations.

Texas Proud. Houston Proud. A new tone of rhetoric was touted. No longer were placards, banners or marches needed to tell one side of the story. Now, everybody is in the same predicament and on the same side of the story. It was a case of pure Blind Support regardless of another’s personal situation.

Is it a tragedy that calls out the best in humanity to support each other across the lines that separated us on previous days? I would hate to think that’s what it takes, but it sure seems like we quit our position for the benefit of others, especially when these terrible times come. In spite of personal risks, people geared into action to reach out to help. Some suffered greatly for their decision, and others are still reeling from the blows personally received.

As the storm recedes into memory, the aftermath of destruction still remains. Weeks, months and maybe years will be required for full restoration.

But wait, does that mean there are no more storms? Nope! We are in the season where they march in from the deep Atlantic and Pacific and pound from the east and the west. Perhaps it is like a one, two punch from a boxer jabbing from the left and right. Or one big “Pow, right in the kisser!” as Ralph Kramden would say.

Here’s my thought. Those emergency numbers you found that helped you through this storm, well, keep them close. You never know when you will need them again. That “go to” person may not be available next time, but remember there are always people who stand ready to help in times of trouble.

But I keep looking for a deeper sustaining help that is more than a simple phone number. Nearly 2 years ago I asked God for a daily word, something special just for me to stand on, something to dwell in my mind and spirit for the day. A Daily Word. Just for me…and I began writing about these words and experiences. There has not been a single day that a word does not come to mind that provides what I need for that day. Sometimes it’s a phrase, a scripture, or something from the news, even a social media item.

Oft times, I wake up with a particular word and dig for meaning. It’s become part and parcel of who I am every day. What’s the word? How does it apply? Does it apply, or is it simply something to stand on till tomorrow?

This morning a phrase came to my mind that is supported by this posting today. Where do you go?

Jesus said, “Come to me…” If you laboring or heavy laden…come to me. (Matthew 11:28). If you are thirsty, come to me. (John 7:37) If you are in need as a little child, come to me. (Matthew 19:14)  In the deepest and darkest night of your life, when it seems there is no help from another soul around, He’s right there, waiting for you to modify your direction.

I hope you have your direction set…but if not, there is a path open to you and I believe He’s constantly calling… Can you hear him? Come to me.


By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!