All That Racket
Sitting in a local fast food establishment where I know the coffee is hot and good enough to spend a buck. I look up from my book to watch people as they sit, eyes glazed and ears full.
The noise is not comforting. Orders, cooks, cleaners, blenders, exhaust fan blasting every time the door opens, and some tacky voices carrying over the din. Phone call arguments, intricate details of nothing important, and that blasted sound system.
Who comes here for the music?
Sounds like I’m standing next to a Runway, with engines revved and throttled for a quick exit. In fact, I can imagine the launch ramp of a flat top and that fighter jet is preparing hurl down the runway. All that noise is probably equal to this restaurant experience.
Why all the racket? It’s not for the customer experience! If the customer is the cat’s meow then nothing is wrong sitting in an alley listening to all the racket of distraction. I’m not complaining. I made the choice to walk in and sit down. But the workers and customers alike seem to be immune. How can they just pretend this is ok?
I must not be wanted. Time to leave. Think a long time before I do this again.