Late last night after a day of down and rest time…a quick run to the store, a call to my favorite sister, and a nice dinner of steaks…

It was time for games…best out of three. 


This is not our original family board from my childhood, but a handmade board as a fund raiser from our young people in Anchorage. My brother figured out the specs, and the kids finished them out.  What a great end product!

My grandmother had her own Wahoo board and we played for hours, treated with stove top popcorn, and CocaCola, of course.

We learned the joy of family time around table games like this.  No screen time.  No gadgets. No squabbles.  Just great fun 

The one thing I remember grandmother saying later in life, this was the one time you were allowed to cheat at if you could get away with it! 

Maybe we should all take a break from the fast paced life and return to some games of yesteryear and make some new memories. 

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!