Push Back the boulderPush Back the boulder

Push Back is Way Easier, Right?

Have you ever found yourself being pushed around? By a bully, or even a child? Push back is way easier, but is it smarter? Or right? When I walk into a situation that is uncertain or doesn’t seem quite right, it is my nature to push back. It’s like that “flight or fight” sensation we have when endeavoring to determine if the danger we perceive can be overcome, or should we simply flee for our safety.

This thought has never caused me to want to flee from the authorities, but I have been in this position where someone did. I was 18 and working a night job during my college years. Driving home (I think), late at night. I was in a group of cars driving down a dark road. Suddenly, the cop car lights up his red and blue and pulls us all over. For speeding, I’m sure. 45 in a 35, or something like this. One of the cars flees the scene and the cop chases after him, and the rest of us simply scoot out to side roads and take different routes home… Should I have hung around? I think the police would have been surprised had I stayed put!

This “push back” feeling has caused me to overreact against someone simply “doing their job” and I’m a victim of their duty.

But when you push me, then I push back.
When you buck me, I buck harder.

Human nature seems to say, Push Me and I Push Back Harder than you can imagine or handle! Buck me and I will ride over you like a steamroller! But this is not how we are taught to be. Right? There is a better way! Click To Tweet

There’s something akin to a rebellion that rises up and says…”nope, you ain’t doing that to me”… It’s how you learn to react to bullies on the playground, or job, or even at home. You learn to stand up for yourself. You learn to reject anyone with a loud voice and a bristling attitude that commands you to do, and you simply obey. Well, except for teachers, parents, hmmm… a long list I’m sure!

Let Me Give You An Example

On any given day, at just about any retailer you can name, I’m walking out of a store and the alarm panel lights up and makes a racket. It used to be I would walk back in, find someone in charge, go through my bags and find out what set off the alarm, fix the problem and then exit the store.

Not any more. I simply keep walking. Not that this has ever happened, but if the store is interested in what they think set off their alarm then they can follow me and talk to me as I walk to my car. They can keep talking as I offload my packages, and start the engine. They can follow me all the way to the exit of the parking lot and wave at me as I disappear into the sunset.

Now. Is that any way for me to act? Nope. But it still doesn’t stop me… Why? Push Back.

This Affects Us All

Surely you’ve noticed those car alarms that go off and no one pays any attention. When they were new, then everyone paid attention. Now, we hardly glance that way. The same is true about the alarms at the store. But let an alarm go off at a bank??? And we’re in it? We all react differently to different kinds of alarms.

When I worked in a tall building in downtown Houston, they would send out a warning about an impending fire alarm test. Inevitably, the ear-piercing sound would drive you into the hallways, where, like school children, you had to line up at the emergency exit door and wait until the “all clear” was sounded.

My Push Back? Leave a few minutes early, exit the building, walk to the coffee shop and take a break for about 30 minutes! I might as well enjoy the experience, right?!!?

It was just after 9/11, and I was entering a Jetway for a trip out of Anchorage. I walked through the security with my two carry-on bags and I’m not questioned about anything. Since the Jetway did not have a place to pick up some reading material, I exited back out, went to the little store, picked up a paper and magazine, and came back through security with my two purchases. Suddenly, it’s like I’m a criminal. Empty your pockets. Take off your coat, shoes, and belt. Go through the x-ray again. Let’s pat you down. Because suddenly you’re suspicious.

Now, if you push back here, the law is in control and you can miss your flight. Here’s a prime example of knowing when it’s safe to Push Back, and when it’s not.

It Happens All The Time

Leaving a local big box store with some groceries several years back, I was chased down by a store monitor because I did not show them my receipt as I exited. Sorry. There’s not a sign saying they now have the authority to check my purchases against a receipt. She made a spectacle and simply did her job of marking my receipt with her yellow marker. Satisfied, she turned back to the other customer she had abandoned. Not once did she compare my receipt to what was in my basket.

Of course, I complained to one of the managers, a friend, and he told me I did not have to stop at all. They were simply attempting to stop a million-dollar loss to shop-lifting. Now. I can understand that. But there is a way of asking for my help and it did not happen here. 

Then, leaving a warehouse store yesterday, after making the same trip and carrying the same backpack 100 times or more, into that same-store no less, suddenly I’m asked to open the bag and let them examine it. Sorry. You’ve never done it before and what makes you think you need to do it now? I just keep on walking. “I’ll call the manager.” Go ahead. I’m yelled at in the parking lot, “Don’t ever bring that bag back into the store.”

I’m not sure how I’ll handle this. Yet. But it raised a thought in my innards.

Here’s Where My Thinking Goes

We see people protest and march all the time. Unless it impacts my journey I will mostly ignore the crowd and wish they had a saner way to express their displeasure. Sometimes it turns into a riot, and we quickly must choose our side.

On any given street corner, we watch picketers walk back and forth in front of businesses frequently. We have grown used to the idea that we have a voice that can be used against a situation. Even our actions are allowed as long as we do not hurt someone else.

We are somewhat okay with this. Why? Because we all understand Push Back.

But why do we Push Back at some things, and allow other things to control our actions? We Push Back against something that helps, but the hook, line, and sinker we swallow the things that will hurt us even more. We Push Back before we know all the facts, and rush the judgment, jury, and executioner to center stage.

Before you realize it, everyone’s yammering about the situation and it becomes polarized. Sides are chosen. It breaks the community apart. Even into the family. My family. Your family.

Quit Rushing to Judgment

A strange story happened recently here in Washington, of all places. It goes to show you that human nature, action, and reaction, can happen anywhere! A man was harassed and shot by passerby’s when they thought he was dragging a dead dog behind him, instead of recent roadkill (raccoon). He was taking it to a crab pot and did not want the smell too close to him. Rush to judgment. Overreaction. Really? [Source] (Makes me rethink eating crab…)

I know I need to do better. Bad timing can cause all of us to overreact. We’re tired. Distracted. Hurried. Any number of explanations, but I’m working hard on responding better. Hence, a lot of my writing has revolved around our witness and our testimony.

Sometimes our hard-headed attitude
bucks up against a request
and our negative spirit unfolds.
Where’s your witness now?

But at the same time…I want to keep Pushing Back when it is necessary. I want to have the right attitude. My witness to others should be pointing all of us to a better way.

Spiritual Principles

True, Jesus overturned the money tables and lashed out at those who had turned the house of God into a den of thieves (Matthew 21:12-13), but his overarching example was one of care, concern, and love. Clear away the wrong. Why? In the very next verse it states:

Then the blind and the lame came to Him in the temple, and He healed them.
(Matthew 21:14 NKJV)

If you understand the entire scenario, those with physical limitations were not allowed in the temple! But those who were cheating others for financial gain, well, they were tolerated.

It was Paul who wrote to the church at Rome.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
(Romans 12:1-2 ESV)

Think about it… The testing happens so we can discern God’s will, and with our understanding, we renew our mind! He writes even differently when he tells us how to live our lives…

See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone,
but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;
for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
(1 Thessalonians 5:15-18 NKJV)


I want to learn to check myself. Is this Push Back necessary? What can I learn from the momentary trial? Who is on the other side of the equation, and what can I do to reach them? What is my purpose at this moment? Why me, Lord?

Am I learning something? I hope so. Am I being transparently honest with you? I sure hope so. Can we all learn to be better? Yep!

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!