The Pulpit, The Man

img_1225Created as a surprise, My Birthday of ‘06!
This simple desk, a personal gift,
Has been used by so many
It has weathered the storms
Of Word, and prayers and so many tears

Though some may say it’s simply built
But it represents the love
Of a man, we know we will miss.
For he too, has poured from here
God’s very heart, to our own ears.

Chosen specifically for this purpose
It was measured and sawed,
Hammered and nailed.
A final coat of paint
And wait, some stain as well

Closely viewed it’s easy to see
Imperfections of grain, and assembly
But measure not the man
By the craftsmanship you see
For Jesus did not come to save this tree.

By theme we clearly see
His sacrifice upon a cross
Where he volunteered like a lamb
His perfect blood
For one, and for all

We gather to say, good bye, so long
But in my heart of hearts I know
Those last words to me that fateful night
I will treasure, rehearse, and receive.
I’m Fine, let’s get out of here, let’s go home…

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!