Preparing and over-preparing…and feeling ill-prepared…

Church Pews

The process whereby I get ready for His Sunday morning message. I work hard at making it not be about what I know and my personality but more about what He is…and what He wants us to hear and know this day.

It’s a special day that takes a little planning and a lot of prayers to feel like it will work the way you envision. While researching and writing, this old song came into my mind… Perhaps you know it.

The Love of God, by O.S. Davis, Copyright 1949

The Love of Jesus to me is greater
Than anything else, I’ve ever known.
It reaches deeper than any sin stain
It reaches higher than heaven’s throne

It brought the Savior from heaven’s glory
To give his life for a world of sin
Tho’ God of heaven, He condescended
To prove to you that he is your friend.

It giveth comfort to those in sorrow.
It bringeth peace to a troubled soul
The love of Jesus goes in the byways
To seek the sin-sick and make them whole

The love of God is more to me
Than all this world could ever be
It reaches down from the throne of glory
And sets the vilest sinner free.

The Love Of God, This Sunday: The love of God is more to me Than all this world could ever beIt reaches down from the throne of glory And sets the vilest sinner free! Click To Tweet

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!