I was 13, nearly 14…

  I was singing in my first experience of a Christmas Cantata. Essentially a musical of voices and song telling the story of Christmas at Peace Tabernacle in Baytown, TX.  

No room. Only a manger of hay. 

No room. He is a stranger today. 

No room. Here in his world turned away. 

No room. No room. 

My voice was not strong, nor did I realize then that singing would never be a career. Especially when your dad sings so well. And your brothers…sister…and mom! I could not hear the “parts” even then and have never understood the difference between a baritone or tenor. 

But the experience led me to youth choirs, men’s choirs, and an Easter program in Anchorage, AK… “Love Found a Way” by Lanny Wolfe.  Encore! Encore! But I moved back to Texas before the repeat performance.

My thought today has everything to do with those memories that stay with you, even a generation later.  Easter.  Christmas.  Always revolved around church and family.  

The two go hand in glove.   

I want both of them again. Memories.  Present. And future.  Making memories for the younger generation.  

By Michael Gurley

Making Sense of Life, One Thought at a Time!